KDA offers annual performance opportunities for all students, alternating each year, between our “On Stage Dance Production”,
and our “In Studio Dance Demonstrations”.
Our "On Stage Dance Production” is an exciting student performance, complete with beautiful costumes & professional lighting.
This performance typically takes place at the Laguna Beach High School Artists’ Theatre, located at 625 Park Avenue, in Laguna Beach.
A performance fee, costume fees and ticket fees apply.
Our "“In Studio Dance Demonstrations" take place in our state of the art dance studios, located at the Laguna Beach Community Center,
380 Third St, in Laguna Beach.
KDA Dance Demos are informative & interactive for family & friends, lots of fun!
Demos include class procedures & performances of learned choreography, along with student awards, a photo shoot
& refreshments too!
Demos allow for more focus on “dance training” throughout the year, instead of much of the class time being used for rehearsing
towards our “On Stage Production”. Minimal costuming. Fees may apply.